CAMP HUMPHREYS – In an effort to enhance instructional strategies and foster collaborative learning, the administrative team at Humphreys Central Elementary School used their December and January faculty meetings to model an innovative English Language Arts (ELA) lesson. These sessions focused on incorporating flexible grouping and utilizing success criteria to optimize teaching effectiveness.
The model lessons commenced with the administrative team collecting data through entry tickets completed by each teacher. This initial step was crucial as it provided the necessary information to form flexible groups for the learning centers and independent work time.
Mrs. Wolfe-Odunuga, an assistant principal, spearheaded the lesson by igniting the learning atmosphere and teaching a mini lesson. She was supported by Dr. Freemon, the interim assistant principal, who co-taught the lesson. Dr. Freemon also modeled how a case manager for special education students would provide inclusion services to ensure that all students' needs were met during the session.
Following the mini lesson, teachers transitioned to their designated learning centers. These rotations were strategically based on the data collected from the entry tickets, allowing for a tailored and effective learning experience. Each learning center had differentiated learning activities.
During the students' independent work time in stations, Ms. Wiley, the principal, engaged all new teachers by assigning them the role of "administrators" to conduct a Learning Walkthrough Tool (LWT). Ms. Wiley was assisted by Ms. Allmond, a district Elementary ISS, and Ms. Butler, district ISS for Counseling Services, who helped explain the use of the Learning Walkthrough Tool. The new teachers were provided with a detailed description of LWT indicator 6, which focused on Flexible Groups.
After discussing what to look for, the "administrators" observed the learning stations to complete the LWT. Meanwhile, the co-teachers conducted guided reading sessions while the teachers worked at the learning stations. During the second rotation, the "administrators" reconvened to share their observations and calibrate on indicator 6, Flexible Groups. They reported gaining a deeper understanding of flexible groups and how to ensure students comprehend the success criteria.
Due to time constraints, the co-teachers concluded the rotations with a review of the lesson and distributed exit tickets to collect data. Additionally, the administrative team sent out a feedback form to the teachers. The purpose of this form was to gather insights on strategies observed in the model lesson that teachers plan to implement in their classrooms and to identify any additional support they might need.
This hands-on approach not only demonstrated the practical application of flexible grouping and success criteria but also provided teachers with valuable insights and strategies to implement in their own classrooms. The collaborative effort by the administrative team and faculty at Humphreys Central ES highlights their commitment to continuous improvement and student success.