Peer Tutoring Club
The Peer Tutoring program is geared towards students who fall between the 25th and 70th academic percentiles of our school. Students who are eligible to receive service must not receive any other support services provided by the school. This program matches students who need extra support in reading and/or math with peer tutors who are proficient in these areas. All participates will maintain confidentiality. This program strives to ensure students are able to receive one-on-one support to achieve success in school and reach their academic goals.
Tutor Requirements: 3-5 grade, must maintain B+/CD in subject to be tutored, must have classroom teacher, support staff and parent approval, one to three paragraph essay stating why they would like to be a tutor and would succeed at it, complete tutor application form. Requirements for students receiving tutors help: 1st-5th grade, must be receiving NO other support services, must fall within the 25th and 50th percentile of class, able to accept help and constructive criticism, teacher or parent recommended.
Open to: Tutors are students in grades 3, 4 and 5. Students receiving help from the tutors are in grades 1-5.
Meets on: Monday,Thursday
Meeting Time: 1415 - 1500